2015年2月16日 星期一

CASSCF+CASPT2 for Vanadium Cation: remarks and summary


A) Quintet

symmetry:C2V [1-A1; 2-B1; 3-B2; 4-A2];     CASSCF(4, 9)


A1:  close [for 8 pairs] : 1s [V]; 2s[V]; 1s[O]; 2py[V]; 3s[V]; 3py[V]; 2s[O]; O-H sigma bond (2py-O:1s-H)

A1:  [9-12] : 9-[d2+(V): dx2-y2:-0.206947]; 10-[d0(V): dz2: -0.207388]; 11-[4s(V): -0.207217]; 12-[4py(V): -0.087493]

B1:  close [3 pairs] : 2px[V]; 3px[V]; 2px[O]

B1: [4-5]: 4-[3d2-(V):dxy:-0.209038]; 5-[4px(V): -0.12012]

B2: close [3 pairs] : 2pz[V]; 3pz[V]; 2pz[O]

B2:[4-5]:4-[d1-(V):dxz: -0.199839]; 5-[4pz(V): -0.111116]

A2: close 0

A2: 1-[3d1+(V):dyz: -0.218392]

B) Triplet

If calculating the triplet state only including the electronic state or configuration state with spin=2, then we can not get the correct active space in which the active orbitals are: the five 3d orbital,one 4s orbital, and three 4p orbital of vanadium

Only if we combine the spin=4 configuration state (quintet state) to calculate the triplet state,  then we can get the correct active space.

 V                  0.00000000    0.00000000    0.66236305
 O                  0.00000000    0.00000000   -1.40863240
 H                  0.00000000    0.77937774   -1.98264542
 H                  0.00000000   -0.77937774   -1.98264542






A) Triplet
B) Singlet
A) Quartet
B) Doublet


A) Quintet

Symmetry :D2h : 1-Ag; 2-B3u; 3-B2u; 4-B1g; 5-B1u; 6-B2g; 7-B3g; 8-Au      CASSCF(4, 9)

1Ag:  close [for 6 pairs] : 1s [V]; 2s[V]; 1s[O];  3s[V]; 2s[O]; 2pz(O)-1s(H) [sigma bond]

7-[4s(V)+3d0:3dz2(V)]; 8-[3d2+:3dx2-y2(V)]; 9-[3d0:3dz2(V)];

2B3u:  close [3 pairs] : 2px[V]; 3px[V]; 2px(O)-1s(H) [sigma bond];

2B3u: [4]

3B2u: close [3 pairs] : 2py[V]; 3py[V]; 2py(O) [lone pair]

3B2u: [4]

4B1g: close 0
4B1g: 1-[3d2-:3dxy(V): -0.204883]

5B2u: close [5 pair]: 1s[O]; 2pz[V]; 3pz[V]; 2s[O]; 2pz[O]-1s[H] [sigma bond]


6B2g: close [1pair]: 2px[O]-1s[H] [sigma bond]

7B3g: close [1 pair] 2py[O] [lone pair]

8Au: close [0 pair]

B) Triplet : D2H

1Ag[close 6]: 1s[V]; 2s[V]; 1s[O]; 3s[V]; 2s[O]; sigma O-H [2pz(O)-1s(H)]

2B3u[close 3]: 2px[V]; 3px[V];  sigma O-H [2px(O)-1s(H)]

3B2u[close 3]: 2py[V]; 3py[V]; non bond [2py(O)]

4B1g[close 1]: 1-[d2-:dxy]

5B1u[close 5 ]: 1s[O]; 2pz[V]; 3pz[V]; 2s[O]; sigma O-H [2pz(O)-1s(H)]

6B2g[close 1]: sigma O-H [2px(O)-1s(H)]

7B3g[close 1]: non bond [2py(O)]

8Au[close 0]


A) Quintet : Symmetry Cs: A'; A'' 

1A'[close 19]

1-1s[V]; 2-2s[V]; 3-1s[O1]; 4-1s[O3]; 5-1s[O2]; 6-2py[V]; 7-2px[V]; 8- 3s[V]; 9-3py[V]; 10-3px[V]; 11-2s[O1]; 12-2s[O3]; 13-2s[O2]; 14-sigma bond [2px(O1)-1s(H1)]; 15-sigma bond []

2A''[close 5]

2013年12月16日 星期一

V+(H2O)--Method Experiemt


1. Illustrator: several sentences

2. The reaction of V+(H2O) to release H2--> serious spin contamination

3. Post-HF Methods [CASSCF good]

4 val del wall interations

2013年12月15日 星期日


1. Molpro 是用于分子电子结构计算的完整的从头计算程序体现。重点是高精度,可多方面处理电子关联问题。用最近开发的直接积分局域电子关联方法可以极大地减少随分子尺寸增加的计算量。

第二章 Molpro 运行

molpro  datafile

第三章 定义Molpro 输入语言

1. 输入格式
(1) Molpro的exe 由输入文件控制。通常每个输入记录由一个keyword开始,之后可是数据或是其它keyword. Molpro的input 包含命令,指令,选项和数据。

(2) In fact,in one row 可以输入几个逻辑输入记录,并用分号隔开。即,一个给定的输入行可以包含多个有效命(用分号隔开)。这些用分号隔开的基本命令单位(记录)在这个手册中也经常称为卡片(card).

2. 命令

命令的例子有HF,MP2,CCSD(T)等等,指令的例子有OCC, CLOSED, WF, PRINT。

第四章 一般程序结构

4.1 输入结构


4.2 文件

Molpro使用3个连续的文本文件,分别为input,output 和 punch.

4.3 记录


4.8 对称性




4.9 定义波函

WF, nelec,irrep,spin
For example:对于10个电子C2v对称性的计算,WF, 10, 3, 0 表示1B2态;WF, 10, 1, 2表示3A1态。电荷也可以通过设置变量CHARGE来定义:


在SCF,MCSCF,和CI程序中,可能需要指定每个对称性中有多少个占据轨道(或者在CI中有多少内部轨道),以及这些轨道中哪些是芯壳层或闭壳层(也就是在所有的CSF中都是双占据的)。这一信息由OCC, CORE,和CLOSED卡提供,方式为:
OCC, m1,m2,...,m8;CORE, co1,co2,...,co8;CLOSED,cl1,cl2,...,cl8;
FROZEN, fr1,fr2,...,fr8;

***注意,在SCF,MCSCF,以及CI和CCSD程序中的OCC和CLOSED卡,有略微不同的含义。在SCF,MCSCF中,OCC是任何出现在CSF(configuration state function)中的轨道。而在电子关联方法(CI, MPn, CCSD等)中,OCC表示在所有参考CSF中占据的轨道。在MCSCF中,FROZEN轨道中所有CSD中都是双占据的,并且冻结的(也就是不优化),而CLOSED指所有的双占据轨道(冻结的加上做优化的)。在CI和CCSD程序中,芯轨道是不做相关能处理的轨道,CLOSED轨道是在所有的参考CSF中保持双占据的轨道。***


12.2 对称性说明

2013年12月14日 星期六

Ab-Initio Simulations of Materials Using VASP: Density-Functional Theory and Beyond


1. In 1985, Car and Parrinello published the work in which they proposed to solve the equations of motions of the coupled many-atom, many electron system via a dynamical simulated annealing strategy. The Car-Paarinello (P) method was designed to replace the traditional approach consisting of the iterative self-consistent solution of the Kohn-Sham equations for the electrons, the calculation of the fores acting on the atoms via Hellmann-Feynman theorem, and the integration of the Newtonian equations of the motions of the ions-the procedure having to be repeated after each ionic integration step until the ground state of the many-atom, many-electron system had been reached.

2. Strong Point of CP: CP paper introduced several other important innovations. One which is very important for the methodology is the use of Fast Fourier Transforms to switch between real-space and momentum-space representations of the wave function because different parts of the calculation can be done most efficiently in one space or another. The Kinetic Energy has a diagonal representation in momentum space while the Potential Energy is diagonal in real space. The second step forward was based on the observation that it is inefficient to do one part of the calculation with very high accuracy while one other part is still far from convergence. This led immediately to the bold idea--already referred to above-- that the total energy of a system could be minimized simultaneously with respect to both the electronic and ionic degrees of freedom.

3. Weakness of CP: Although much of recent development was undoubtedly triggered by the CP paper, it is a bit ironical that the development of modern DFT calculations is characterized by a rather quick return to the more traditional approach. The reason is twofold: First, the CP method of a dynamical updating of electronic degrees of freedom requires electrons and ions to be decoupled such that, once the electronic ground-state has been reached, the system remains closed to the adiabatic Born-Oppenheimer surface. This condition is met with good accuracy for insulators and wide-gap semiconductors but violated for metals and narrow-gap materials. The Second reason is that the minimization of the total energy does not allow an efficient control of charge-density fluctuations during the iterative process--for metallic systems such fluctuations (often referred to as "Charge-sloshing") may even prevent a convergence of this process.

The Vienna Ab Initio Simulation Package VASP - Basic methodology:
Why Plane Wave?

4. In a work of Gruber et al, they compared the performance of  plane-wave (VASP) and local-basis set methods (GAUSSIAN and SIESTA package) in structural study of small gold clusters. For a wide class of relatively compact cluster structures the authors found excellent agreement between the binding energies calculated using both methods, while planar structures where found to have a somewhat reduced stability in the local-basis set calculations. 

This difference was attributed to the fact that the quality of the plane-wave basis set is independent of the topology of the system while the quality of a basis composed of atom-centred local orbitals depends on the relative atomic positions(a situation which is evidently reminiscent of the basis-set superposition error)/ It was concluded that the relatively lower binding energy of planar clusters provided by SIESTA and GAUSSIAN03 could be a consequence of a lower "effective quality" of the basis set for systems that are more extended in one or two dimensions compared with more compact structures.

Potentials, pseudo-potentials

5. Pseudo-potential have been introduced to avoid the need for an explicit treatment of the strongly bound and chemical inert core electrons.

6. Methods for generating pseudo-potentials include the 'norm-conserving' pseudo-potential (the "norm-conservation" criterion applied to the node-less pseudo wave functions ensures  that not only the logarithmic derivative of the exact and pseudo-wave-functions, but also their derivatives with respect to the energy agree at the chosen reference energy and cut-off radius) and  the 'ultrasoft' pseudo-potential (where the norm-conservation criterion is dropped, but the logarithmic derivatives are matched at two or more reference energies spanning the entire range of eigenvalues of the valence electrons).

7.The criterion for the quality of a pseudo-potential is not how well it matches experiment, but how well it reproduces the results of accurate all-electron calculations. A certain drawback of pseudo-potential calculations is that because of the non-linearity of the exchange interaction between valence and core electrons, elaborate non-linear core corrections are required for all systems where the overlap between valence- and core-electron densities is not completely negligible. This deficiency may be removed by using the projector-augmented wave method.

Projector-augmented waves


2013年12月13日 星期五

Essence of others works

Essence of others works:
1.       Source [ C:\Users\Andy\hzhang\Projects\Vanadium\literature\05302013 ]
Energetics of the Ligated Vanadium Dictions VO2+, VOH2+, and [V, O, H2]2+

Point1: Experiment: Charge-stripping mass spectrometry
Point2: Abstract: According to the theoretical results, [V (OH2)] 2+ is also a thermochemically stable dication, whereas [HVOH] 2+ is suggested to be metastable.
Point3: [M (OH2)] 2+, for larger values of n, these species can easily be generated from solution by means of electrospray ionization. A key aspect of these isolated dications on the dilute gas phase concerns their stability with respect to the relevant dissociation and charge-separation asymptotes.   
Point4: for [M (OH2)] 2+, three types of fragmentation can occur, similar schemes apply for metal dications with other open- or closed- shell ligands.

Ligand Evaporation: [M (OH2) n] 2+ à [M (OH2) n-1 ] 2+ + H2O
Electron Transfer: [M (OH2) n] 2+ à [M (OH2) n-1 ] 2+ + H2O+.
Proton Transfer: [M (OH2) n] 2+ à [M (OH)(OH2) n-2 ] 2+ + H3O+
Rules: For large n, the evaporation of water predominates. The smaller the number of ligands n, and the larger the ionization energy, IE(M+), [large ionization energy means it needs more energy to release one electron from M+ to form M2+ ], the more likely become the competing electron- and proton-transfer reactions.

Point5: experiment
The monocationic precursors were generated via two independent routes: a) fast-atom bombardment of an aqueous slurry of V2O5; and b) electron ionization of trimethoxy vanadate, OV(OCH3)3

Point 1: These ideas show that if the metal 4s orbital (and to a lesser extent the 3dσ) is occupied, the interaction of the metal ion with water will be repulsive at short range because the 4s (3dσ) orbital correlates to an anti-bonding orbital of the intermediate.  Oxidative addition of O-D to a metal center can be achieved by donation of electrons in σ bonding orbitals into empty 4s and 3dσ orbitals on the metal and molecular fragments and back-donation of metal 3dπ electron into σ* anti-bonding orbitals. This increases the electron density between the metal and molecular fragments and also lengthens the O-D bond.

Notes of Literature【2】--JCP-1989 Highly correlated systems. Ionization energies of first row transition metals Sc-Zn


1. Electron correlation effects are extremely important to provide an accurate description of the electronic states arising from different occupations of the 3d and 4s orbitals of transition metal atoms.

2 They have calculated the dns2 --> dn+1s1 excitation energies of atoms Sc-Cu using both MP4 and quadratic configuration interaction (QCI) method. While the MP4 was clearly inadequate, they obtained excellent agreement with experiment using QCI method with a mean deviation of 0.14eV after including the effects of relativistic corrections. The remaining deviation was found to be systematic and can be ascribed partly to basis set deficiencies.

3. In this paper, they consider low-lying ionization energies of all the first-row transition metal atoms Sc-Zn using similar theoretical methods.

Theoretical Methods

4. Methods: QCISD, QCISD(T), MP4

5. Basis set: spd, spdf

6. Relativistic corrections
Relativistic corrections are known to be quite important for the transition metal atoms, the differential effects in some cases being as large as 0.5eV.

7. Martin and Hay have calculated such corrections for all the ionic states considered in this study at the HF level. These calculated corrections assume that the inclusion of electron correlation effects does not change the relativistic corrections. However, in the paper, the author was comparing the neutral atoms with the corresponding ions whose behavior may be somewhat different, the effect of electron correlation on the calculated relativistic corrections was not clear. Thus, the author of this paper have used the computed corrections of Martin and Hay.


8. When they using MPn series method, the results is clearly inadequate, especially for Co-Zn. Closer inspection reveals that the large deviations for Co-Zn arise in cases where the d electron population changes from that of the neutral atom, clearly related to the correlation associated with the breaking of a d electron pair.
